what can you submit & publish?
organization listing and/or announcement listing

submit & publish a free listing about your organization or dance company and get added to where to study list. Who are you? What do you offer? Where are you?…

submit & publish your dance workshops, dance programs and events and get promoted on the announcement’s directory, on au-di-tions.com and regularly on social media
how does it work with announcement listings?
4 steps to make a successful promotion of your event

make your contribution of any amount if your event charge a fee for participants. otherwise, we will publish your event for free. Higher contributors have priority on sharing, re-post and site position.

after your contribution, we publish and start promoting your event on au-di-tions.com and regularly on social media. we send it to our mailing list once published and before it expire.
keeping in touch
our team will keep in touch with you regarding the applications to your event. we will update the promotion campaign according to your event’s bookings.
some of the questions already answered
how I can make the contribution?
you can make the contribution on this page: Contribution Page or via bank transfer by selecting one of our Bank accounts.
you can make the contribution on this page: Contribution Page or via bank transfer by selecting one of our Bank accounts.
how much is the contribution?
it can be any amount. we suggest €19 Euros. the average contribution from our partners is €45 Euros. Higher contributors, €30 and higher, get their listing Featured and re-posted, have priority in sharing and position on the site.
it can be any amount. we suggest €19 Euros. the average contribution from our partners is €45 Euros. Higher contributors, €30 and higher, get their listing Featured and re-posted, have priority in sharing and position on the site.
when my listing will be online?
once the contribution is done we will publish the listing and start sharing it according to the date of the event and target
once the contribution is done we will publish the listing and start sharing it according to the date of the event and target
do you offer other type of advertisement?
yes, of course. we offer a unique advertisement campaign that can include banner ads in au-di-tions.com, listings, Google Adwords, articles and more. you can learn more here .
yes, of course. we offer a unique advertisement campaign that can include banner ads in au-di-tions.com, listings, Google Adwords, articles and more. you can learn more here .
is the contribution an once donation or I have to contribute for each event I submit?
the contribution is per event. you must make a contribution for each event you submit if they include a fee for participants .
the contribution is per event. you must make a contribution for each event you submit if they include a fee for participants .
who is running these projects?
the project is managed by au-di-tions.com. a platform integrated by performers based in Europe and USA. visit the website to learn more.
the project is managed by au-di-tions.com. a platform integrated by performers based in Europe and USA. visit the website to learn more.
can I edit my listing?
yes, of course. once you submit your listing we will create and account for you on danceandeducation.com. the account will allow you to EDIT the listing or ADD new ones. you don’t have to pay for any changes.
yes, of course. once you submit your listing we will create and account for you on danceandeducation.com. the account will allow you to EDIT the listing or ADD new ones. you don’t have to pay for any changes.
how can I sign up? I don’t see the sign up button
there are not sign up button. we will create your account once you submit your first event. after it you can log in and start editing your listings or submitting new ones directly from your account.
there are not sign up button. we will create your account once you submit your first event. after it you can log in and start editing your listings or submitting new ones directly from your account.
submit now or contact us if you have any questions