dansstudio arabesque
What does Dansstudio Arabesque make special?
Dansstudio Arabesque is a dance studio where everyone can compete for a good dance education.
A dance center where much attention is paid to the personal development of the children.
A meeting place where an extensive team of skilled, enthusiastic teachers guarantees a dance education that focuses not only on the quality of the dance, but also on the artistic development of each student individually.
Our goal is to ensure proper education where quality, personal guidance and social contact are central.
Within this objective, it is important to ensure that young people believe in themselves and become aware of the fact that non-verbal language is one of the strongest means of communicating.
Dance can make young people confident. By dancing, they discover their own body and develop perseverance, giving them more self-confidence. Elements that can also be useful in daily life, we also give them a sound cultural background.
In order to realize all of these goals, we have a team of skilled professional specialists.
Teachers who can provide quality guidance within their particular dance disciplines. Enthusiastic teachers who can understand and respect culture. Teachers who are original and reveal their own identity in their movements. We offer you an extensive range of diverse dance disciplines that are divided into classes for all different age groups and levels.
All these dance disciplines are given on the basis of specific pedagogical curricula.